
Royal Republic
Royal Republic is not your average rock band. They don't buy into the clichés or the dos and don'ts of Rock'n'Roll.
A purist might shake their head and say "Hey now, this isn't right!" but they'd be wrong. Royal Republic is always right!
It's the weird flavour combination that doesn't make sense until you try it. The outfit that's so ugly it's awesome.
The kinky thing you never knew you liked until it just sort of happened by accident that one time and you were all like WHOAAAH!
It's been a long hard wait, but at long last Royal Republic is BACK to melt your hearts and set fire to your speakers. In the long wake of previous masterpieces, Royal Republic proudly present their 5th studio album "LoveCop"!
It's loaded with Per Andreasson's intelligently dumb drum beats and Jonas Almén's groovy sweat-dripping bass lines. It's a continuation of the love-affair between Hannes Irengård's dirty telecaster and Adam Grahn's silky voice. It's whipped cream and caviar. Jean-Claude Van Damme getting pinned by Céline Dion. A sweaty one-night stand between Metallica and Michael Bolton.
You have the right to remain LOUD! Put your fucking hands up, and dance!