
Falling Red
FALLING RED are a bunch of stylish, Cumbrian-based, lifeblood heavy-rockers who deliver exhilarating live music to everyone they meet.
Their sleaze meister rock ‘n’ roll metal numbers are mostly assembled by two scuzzle-highway, sweat-sockers named Rozey (pronounced “Rosie” — he’s the frontman of the band and their lead guitarist) and Dave (he’s the drummer). Dave & Rozey have played in the band since its formation. They establish the songs which become thunderously embellished by the other founder-member (welcome back the original angry-man Shane on guitar) and Mikey, who joined the band later, who plays bass. Everybody offers vocals.
Famously, these British good-time rockers do not take themselves too seriously, “When we play live shows we find we need to participate in all the party-time antics, so we offer thrill-rides a-plenty. We supply vibrating sensations, ecstatic tingles and the best rockin’ time of your life.”
“Musically, we’re like a cherry-red ’69 Dodge Charger — a pulsing super-bee filled with charisma — all we wanna do is take you on the ride of your life.”